Monthly Archives: September 2014

Fall Into The Gap

Fall Into The Gap

In the spirit of one of my convictions, let’s keep this simple: As of today you have roughly 90 Days of 2014 left in which to capitalize on your business plan. That’s it. If your year is going to finish strong, today is the day to decide exactly how that is going to happen. No excuses – let’s do this.

Once again, it’s time to refresh your simple business plan. Pull out your template and follow these steps to a strong finish. If you don’t have a simple business planning tool, email me for a free copy:

Let’s start with 2-4 clear outcomes for 2014. These are not dreams or themes – these are specific, measurable and attainable outcomes for you and the team you lead. Every outcome should include a number – revenue, units, people, partners… you chose what you will measure on 12/22 based on your definition of success.

Next, commit to 3-6 disciplines that you will build into your schedule every week, without excuses. These are the non-negotiable disciplines that must happen for you to achieve the outcomes you are aiming for by year-end. Don’t enter any fluff here… your disciplines won’t lead you to the success you desire if you don’t have to stretch yourself daily to make them happen.

Then, note your four most important projects that must be completed by Thanksgiving weekend and assign due dates between now and then. Why Thanksgiving? You’ll know why if you decide to push back those deadlines until December… Just trust me – don’t procrastinate. Write them down, pick a due date, and then block out the time in your calendar required to complete your projects.

Finally, take the entire plan – all one page of it – and save the document, print a copy to place on your desk, and send a pdf copy to someone who will hold you accountable. The single biggest gap between intention and execution is in these final steps. Failure will be imminent for those of you who draft a plan and never look at it, much less let someone hold you accountable to it. Do not plan to fail.

I hope these simple, specific steps have helped you get clear on your plan for this fall season… and I hope you will feel free to share this post with your team members, your company, your clients, and your referral partners. Let’s make this 4th quarter the best one yet!

Any questions? Please comment below – I’d love to know how I can help you with your plan to succeed!

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Posted by on September 22, 2014 in Coaching Leadership


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