Recruiting & Retention

17 Aug
Recruiting & Retention

If there has been one theme that has really been prominent on many of my coaching calls with my sales professionals this year, it has been the overwhelming volume of recruiting calls they all are fielding. That reality also hits their current employer’s leadership team and creates a counter-balancing reaction to amp up the retention efforts as well.

The question today ishow does a highly commissioned professional handle this in a marketplace that is not giving away any sales for free?

Let’s start by stating a fact: I’ve seen several clients facing recruiting opportunities this year  and in every case, there was green grass on both sides. No one I’ve talked to is working “in the desert” looking at a mirage… they all know that the marketplace for their value is incredibly flat when it comes to features. Not a lot of Blue Ocean thinking out there, IMHO.

Let’s add to that fact: Most of my clients know that certain things are fickle – marketing, pricing, product mix, underwriting… even location. Many of our clients take recruiting calls when issues pop up in those areas, but once they compare models, they often see that changing companies boils down to trading off pros & cons. They might end up with a new mix, but they believe they will net very little.

So why is their so little Blue Ocean out there for today’s sales professionals?

Because there are only a few measurable differences that really matter. Here is what I see:

  1. Belief. If these professional people don’t believe in a better future (industry, market, company, and self) then a change of w-2 will not solve their deepest need.
  2. Convictions. Mortgage professionals want to belong to something. It’s like a fraternity of brothers who are all bonded by common values. People long to find the deepest ones in common with those they associate their brand with.
  3. Integrity. Mortgage professionals are sick of being told everything is their fault, and they are tired of people failing to do what they say they will do. They deeply want to plant roots with a company that will cast a vision, draft a plan, invest in the plan, and see it thru.

Before you waste any of your valuable sales time taking new recruiting calls, review these three first. If you do not have belief, convictions, and integrity – and you don’t talk with a company who has people that are in value alignment with yours – you are at risk of making your problems worse.

Finally, a word of wisdom I once received that opened my eyes to this dilemma – the grass is always greenest where you water it.


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