Monthly Archives: June 2014



That’s right – we’re already at the half way point in 2014 and it’s time for a mid year review. As we come to the end of June and enter the second half of the year we all need to pause, reflect, adjust, and get after our goals.

For some of you, a mid-year review is natural. For others, you have intentions but need some help to know what you should do. My hope today is that you will apply a simple process that allows you to move from intention to action.

First, grab your business vision summary. As a leader, you should be reviewing your convictions, purpose, future, and compelling ambitions every week. If you are leading groups, teams, or even companies, you should be sharing this vision regularly – make it a natural part of how you communicate.

Next, grab your simple business plan. Not the one your team published 3 years ago at a company retreat… The one page tool you drafted this year with 2-4 specific outcomes for 2014. The one with 4-6 daily/weekly non-negotiable disciplines and 2-4 projects with due dates that you refresh every 90 days. Make sure it’s on your desk and you scan it every single day.

Finally, grab your time block. This is the tool you use to schedule your week… to make sure all your personal AND professional priorities get placed in your calendar every Friday before you head home. Your daily plan is to be proactive with your commitments rather than reactive.

Now that you have those handy, give yourself a scorecard – rate your results on every aspect. How are you doing? Be honest, and be fair.

I like to use a simple exercise called “Keep-Start-Stop” at this point. I make three lists and I share them with my accountability partner.

1. Keep doing what is working. The requirement is the results must be measured.

2. Start doing what I’ve avoided doing. No excuses allowed.

3. Stop doing what is not working. If I can’t measure any results, then now is the time let it go.

Now it’s time for your mid-year review. If you don’t have these tools, or you need some help deciding what to do, please comment or ask… My mission is to help people get where they want to go. How can I help you finish this year on target with your goals?

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Posted by on June 29, 2014 in Coaching Leadership


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