Monthly Archives: May 2014


David Semmler

David Semmler


Semmler Family

A true friend of mine left us to be with the Lord today. David was a man who loved God, his wife, his kids, and his neighbor as himself.

David was a special friend, a genuinely caring friend, and our wives love each other like sisters. Our families have shared some great memories in Arizona & Colorado during the past 15 years. We have also walked thru some challenging times together… That’s all part of what good friends do.

His spirit will continue to be felt by many, many people and his family will live on as a reflection of his legacy. David has already heard, “well done good and faithful servant… come enter my rest” today from his savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. I’m in awe of that!

I will miss talking baseball… eating sushi… and just having fun with our families together.

Enjoy your time with our Lord – I will see you there in due time, brother! I love you and will miss you here… Peace.

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Posted by on May 30, 2014 in Open Season

