
20 Apr

Perhaps this is just the reality that most of my clients have settled into, but I’m really growing tired of despair. I hear fewer and fewer leaders talking about the future. The focus seems to be very limited to today, and this year, with no real clarity for 3, 5 or even 10 years down the road. This is troubling to me as a coach, and I’d like to be brief today to address this right down the middle.

If you have not spent any time recently reviving your personal business vision, then make this your #1 priority before this month runs out. Add a weekly recurring activity to your calendar early on every Monday morning to spend at least 10 minutes reviewing your vision summary – your convictions, your purpose, your future and your compelling ambitions (your BIG, long-term goals).

If what you are reading no longer inspires you, then you can’t expect anyone else to be inspired by you either!

Once you review this vision weekly, target a date to make sure it is refreshed before the end of Q2. Schedule 3 hours to reflect, think, and adjust your vision to make sure it is fresh and bold. If your vision does not include things that make you sweat a little, then you probably are not stretching. Remember – you are either growing or dying, but you are never holding the line. Time waits for no one.

Finally, with your vision reviewed and refreshed, adjust your 2014 Simple Business Plan to reflect your updated disciplines & projects that need to get happening in May & June. Then refresh that plan again for Q3 by June 30 so you know what’s next.

It’s not too late to get your year back on track – but you are kidding yourself if you think you’ll do it without a vision that pulls you.

What is holding you back? Get it going!

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Posted by on April 20, 2014 in Coaching Leadership


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