Monthly Archives: March 2014

Decisions Have Consequences

Decisions Have Consequences

This weekend I received some disturbing news about a friend. We have not been as close in the last few years as we were 10 years ago, and I was not prepared for the reality that his decisions over the past two years had left him in. My point here is not to gossip – I love my friend, and I have no motivation to air his dirty laundry. I know if anyone were to air mine, I’d be embarrassed, if not humbled by the impact of some choices I’ve made in my life. Let’s just get this out there now: If we’re making an “I’m not perfect” line, let me in.

My message today is simple: Decisions are like dominos. For good or for bad, our decisions have consequences.

Stop and take inventory of your decisions so far this year. We are, for all intents and purposes, 25% of the way thru 2014. How are you doing so far with your personal goals? How about your professional goals? What can you do today – and this week – to make sure you have a plan to get your momentum moving back toward the results you are hoping for?

Let me give you three clear steps to take today.

  1. Be honest. First with yourself, then with the ones who you love, as well as all those who are counting on you. Stop blaming your results on things that you can’t control, and stop making excuses for the things you can control but you chose to ignore. Every choice you make today is either moving you forward or backward – don’t buy the lie that tells you to put off today the things you know you need to do. You own those choices.
  2. Be forgiving. First with yourself, then with the ones you love, as well as those who you counted on and didn’t deliver. Every day that you hold blame against yourself and others is a day you limit your potential to move forward. Living in the past is like trying to swim in the ocean with your belt tied to an anchor. You get to work really hard and don’t really get anywhere. And if you give up, you drown. Cut the line and forgive your past so you can get moving toward your future.
  3. Be smart. First with yourself, then with the ones you love, as well as those who make a living based on the choices you make. I don’t care if you run a Fortune 100 company, are employed, or are self-employed – you know there are certain things you must do each and every day to win. If you didn’t make a single sales call yesterday and your job is selling, be smarter than that – decisions like that will eventually put you out of business. I could give you 100 examples, but you get the point – do the hard things required of you to succeed in the role you are being paid to perform.

As you pause and reflect, what changes do you need to make in your business plan in order to get your year moving in the right direction?

What decisions do you need to make in your life plan to get the things that matter most back on track and moving toward the results you will be happy with?

As you consider these questions, remember… you are already moving in the right direction by writing down your answers. Then all you can do is take action!

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Posted by on March 30, 2014 in Coaching Leadership


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