Monthly Archives: June 2013

Building Champions

Building Champions
Building Champions

Building Champions

As some of you know, I am an advocate for a professional coaching company located in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Today, I’d like to share the why behind the why I believe in coaching leadership.

I first joined the company as a coaching client in 2007 after reading the book, “Becoming a Coaching Leader” by Daniel Harkavy. At that point I was three years into my career as a Mortgage Planner and enfolding a top production team into our group. Additionally, I was still managing 10 key accounts for my first company. I had three young kids and a 15 year marriage with a new family home just built the year before. I was co-leading an enrichment class at church and serving on the board with a national leadership ministry. I went on two outreach missions trips to Mexico and was hosting a group of men in a once-a-month, day-long Bible study…

My point being, my plate was very full… and it was all good stuff!

If you had asked my business partner at the time he would have said, “Michael is involved with a lot, but you can’t imagine all the things he says no to.” So when I first read Daniel’s book I was not looking for anything new to add to my routine… In fact, I could have let my ego tell me that I was flying high and didn’t need any coaching – what more could I want? I already had a great life!

Thankfully, my ego was in check as I cruised thru the book in record time and suddenly faced a cold, hard truth… What if I had gained everything I could want from life and still not achieve my greatest hope – to die an old man loving Jesus and serving others, leaving a legacy of true greatness.

I closed the book, called the company, and asked how I could apply to be coached by one of the coaching leaders at Building Champions. No clouds parted, no voice came from above… Just a refreshing opportunity to take all that had been given to me and allow a coach to help me stay focused on the things that mattered most.

I look forward to sharing more with you in future posts about the journey that began with the end in mind.

If you were to die today, would your life reflect the legacy you hope would be told about you?

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Posted by on June 30, 2013 in Coaching Leadership


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